
Food, food, food

So I was bored and looking at random articles when I saw one called "20 Worst Foods in America".

Anyways, I'm looking through these foods and I couldn't help but wonder why would people want to eat these foods. For example, there's a "Healthy Sandwich" (Blimpie Veggie Supreme)that has 1,100 calories because it has three different cheeses in it, it's drenched with oil, and it's a foot long. Doesn't that sound SO appetizing?

They have an assortment of foods that range from 1,000-2,500 calories, like the "Worst Burger: Chili's Smokehouse Bacon Triple-The-Cheese Big Mouth Burger with Jalapeno Ranch Dressing" (<----seriously? is all that information necessary?). It's 2,040 calories, it has bacon, three types of cheeses, and Jalapeno Ranch, oh, and did I mention it's huge too? Yummy.

But anyways, all I'm trying to say is...DON'T EAT THIS STUFF PEOPLE M'KAY? Cause you're probably going to get heart failure or something if you do.


Kim said...

hahahah i love reading your comments because of all the humor. I also saw this article on yahoo, and I couldn't believe all of these foods! It is disgusting how one meal can have more than the average daily intake of food. America has a serious food issue...

Anna Z said...

Ew ew ew ew ew!! This is almost scary to read! However, it does not really surprise me that the good ol' USA would offer these foods. The obesity epidemic is at its worst, and I think we've found the culprit in Chili's Smokehouse Bacon Triple-The-Cheese Big Mouth Burger with Jalapeno Ranch Dressing, among way too many other food items. Ew.

mackler said...

The blimpie veggie actually does look great.

And What about the butterburger? The original heart attack on a bun.

Unknown said...

I definatly agree with you. But I guess restaurants don't post the nutritional information of every item on their menu for a reason. If they did, Americans would be more aware of what they were putting into their system and would be healther. Though restaurants like McDonalds are making the nutritional information available, they still aren't very mainstream because the information is only on the side of the box. Information like that should be common knowledge to everyone to make them aware of what they are consuming.